Android 13: Games could load particularly quickly thanks to the new interface


With Android 13, loading games could work particularly quickly. A new interface should make this possible.

Android 13 could offer these advanced Material You themes. (Source: Android Police / Google)

  • Android 13 is said to include a turbo mode for loading games.
  • This is made possible by a new interface in the system.
  • The OS is scheduled for release in fall 2022.

Google has been working on Android 13 for some time. Now a reference to a “turbo mode” for loading games in a future Android version has been discovered in the code of the open source variant of Android (AOSP).

A new interface should make this possible. As the mostly well-informed leaker Mishaal Rahman posts on Twitter, a mobile game should be able to use this to communicate its current status to the system. If the game is just loading, the processor can give priority to it for a short time and even make more computing power available.

The remaining procedures and processes are put on the back burner for a short time. You can then play your favorite games faster on your mobile phone.

It is currently unclear whether manufacturers other than Google will implement this feature. The function is probably included in the new Android 13. But it could also find its way into Android 12L before that.

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