Android Auto: a funny bug makes Google Assistant read your messages in the wrong language

Noellie Mautaint

April 10, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.


Android Auto ©


For more than a week, reading the messages ofAndroid-Auto by Google Assistant works poorly for some users.

And for good reason, the voice assistant reads messages in a foreign language. A rather annoying problem for an OS that is supposed to make you take your eyes off your smartphone when you are driving.

Android Auto reads messages in the wrong language

Funny bug for Android Auto. On the road, Google’s voice assistant lets drivers concentrate and manage music, messages, calls or GPS for them. A useful feature, which is no longer of much help when the assistant decides to speak another language. And this is obviously what has been happening to several Android Auto users for several days.

Several drivers have reported a rather annoying bug that causes the Google Assistant to read messages in a language different from the one configured by default. A problem that arose on its own, with victims of the bug reporting that no changes had been made on their end. For example, the voice assistant started reading messages in classic Portuguese rather than the Portuguese commonly spoken in Brazil.

At first glance, the concern does not appear to be widespread. An Android Auto developer has nevertheless confirmed that the teams are studying this problem, which is reminiscent of the one that affected Google Maps last March. The mapping application was then only available in English. There is currently no workaround for this bug. Affected drivers will have to wait for an official patch.

On the way with Android Auto, Google’s in-car system

Hadrian / As modern as the vehicle is, the on-board system offered by the manufacturer quickly shows its limits. Maps not updated, high subscription or lack of features are often blamed for them. Just like Apple CarPlay, Android Auto has been trying to remedy this for 5 years now by offering motorists the possibility of using the main functions of their smartphone inside the cabin.
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Source : Android Police

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