Angelika Buettner: Photo project shows women aged 40 and over unadorned

"On my ribs is a quote from Luciano De Crescenzo that reads:" We are, each of us, angels with only one wing. And we can only fly if we hug each other. "That day Angelika caught me naked on the Manhattan Bridge without another. It is a struggle that I have not yet come to terms with since I am independent and dependent on someone. The balance.

A friend once told me that he had read: "Love your body now, because every decade you will wish you had the body that you had in the previous decade". I have loved my body for a long time, although some would think I had tattoos on his face to improve it.

He has become heavier and slimmer. Sometimes much tighter and certainly sometimes without so many injuries and more. Sometimes I don't pay as much attention to him as I should. And sometimes I think others are paying too much attention to him. I know it has power, and I will never forget or hide the power it has. That too is a balance to honor her, to feel comfortable with the benefits of female sexuality, and not to allow her to overshadow other components of her being. I feel comfortable with this balance at the age of 46. And the tattoo that I tattooed on my body brings something to the surface that some of me would never get to know if they were only interested in the cover.