Angers: a hostage-taking took place at the remand center

A doctor was held by an inmate for about an hour before being released. There were no injuries.

A hostage-taking took place on Tuesday May 24 at the Angers remand center (Maine-et-Loire), reports West France . Shortly after 2:30 p.m., a doctor was detained by an inmate, who allegedly threatened her with a pen, before releasing her shortly after 3:30 p.m., detail our colleagues. The inmate eventually surrendered and the doctor was not injured.

The crime squad and firefighters entered the compound quickly while scheduled visits, walks and inmate work were canceled for the afternoon.

The hostage-taking in Angers is over. I warmly thank the prison officers and the police who have shown great professionalism. I repeat my unfailing support for the doctor, whom I had by telephone, as well as for all the staff.“, reacted on Twitter the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti.

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