Anime quiz: which characters do these eyes belong to?

Are you a fan of Japanese animation? Test your knowledge by trying to find which characters these different irises belong to!

If you’re an anime fan, you probably already know that the eyes sometimes hide more than just emotions. Tragic stories, demonic curses or magical powers, some pupils are today as iconic as the characters to which they belong. We can cite the recent example of Satoru Gojo, famous exorcist of Jujutsu Kaisen and whose Sixth Eye caused a stir among fans.

If you have been able to appreciate the beauty as well as the power of her mostly extraordinary irises, you will have no trouble associating these ten images with their respective anime… Test your memory and your knowledge by trying the sans- mistake !

Did you know ?

A particularly distinctive sign of the drawings said in the “manga” style, the eyes alone would represent between 10 and 40% of the total budget of an anime. According to an article by Scott Green, editor for Ain’t It Cool News, Kazuyoshi Yaginuma, a veteran animator who has worked on Akira, Beck and several films in the Naruto franchise, has also revealed that the eyes are asking for more and more. more working time (about 2 hours for three boxes).

“In a modern anime, drawing a girl’s eyes takes as much effort as it took to draw the deck of the Space Battleship Yamato at the time.”

With an average salary of 200 yen per box (about 1.50 euros), the eyes of anime characters become truly time-consuming and painful for designers.

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