Annapurna Interactive Showcase 2023: a new conference announced for the end of the month

It’s summer, so of course, the video game conferences follow one another. During the Summer Game Fest 2023, Annapurna Interactive took advantage of the event to announce a new conference, which will take place at the end of the month. Here is the teaser of this Annapurna Interactive Showcase 2023 :

The small video is rich in clues, even if it is difficult to know if these are games that will be entitled to content in the future or if the publisher is being lathered. Anyway, we already recognize stray, Outer Wilds, Neon White, Solar Ash, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Thirty Suitors, cocoon, Bounty Star and a big announcement. Impossible to know exactly what title it is, but it could well be Silent Hill: Townfallwhich he will publish in partnership with Konami.

So we have an appointment Thursday, June 29, 2023, from 9 follow this Annapurna Interactive Showcase 2023. Silent Hill: Townfall is as a reminder developed by Code No.already behind Stories Untold And Observationwhich you can find at €18.89 on Gamesplanet.

Writer – Tester

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