Annie Cordy dies at the age of 92

This is very sad news. Annie Cordy, the Belgian singer known for her songs "Tata Yoyo" or "La bonne du curé" died this Friday, September 4 at the age of 92 years.

This Friday, September 4, 2020, Belgian singer Annie Cordy passed away at the age of 92. It was his niece, Michèle Lebon, who announced the sad news to theAFP. "She fainted around 6 p.m. The firefighters arrived very quickly, tried everything to revive her. She was gone in a few minutes ", explained the niece of the interpreter of "Tata Yoyo" and "The priest's maid" who lived with the star in a house on the heights of Cannes.

Upon the announcement of his death, his friend Dave reacted on BFMTV. "She had memory problems, I'm not very surprised, but deeply sad", he declared adding that Annie Cordy embodied "energy".

Annie Cordy began her career in orchestras singing American standards. She was then a magazine leader at Boeuf sur le Toit in Brussels, then at Lido in Paris in 1950. It was then that Léonie Cooreman became Annie Cordy. The star was a real jack of all trades between operettas, musicals but also song, theater and cinema. She had demonstrated her acting skills in If Versailles were told to me by Sacha Guitry then in more dramatic roles as in The Passenger of the Rain by René Clément, Cat by Pierre Granier-Deferre or Breaking by Claude Chabrol.

Many tributes from his friends

Many personalities have paid tribute to him. "Annie was a complete artist knowing how to do everything, dance, sing, act, move and make laugh. She was a very great professional with many talents, she was the French Lucy Ball", confided Mireille Mathieu. "Annie was a pretty butterfly flower. Tata Yoyo and La bonne du curé are going to join the heaven of music stars", added the singer. "I learn with infinite sadness and a lot of emotion the death of Annie Cordy, a faithful and caring friend as much as a good-humored fairy, a generous show girl full of talents. Tonight I mourn your departure my Nini … ", wrote Stephane Bern.
"Annie was my lifelong friend. I have so many memories by her side. We both laughed so much! My pain is immense. I will miss you terribly my Nini. Your Line", declared Line Renaud in turn.
"Popular and sunny, in the city as on the stage. Joyful and generous, with her audience as well as her friends. So was Annie Cordy. With her disappears the soundtrack of a life made of simple, sincere, and communicative happiness. Thank you. Mrs !", tweeted Prime Minister Jean Castex in tribute to the one who said: "France is my country and Belgium my homeland".
For her part, Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès greeted Annie Cordy who was "an embodiment of belgitude". "She has captured the hearts of many generations. She will be sorely missed. My sincere condolences to her family and loved ones.", she concluded in a post Twitter.