Annular solar eclipse on October 14th: 3 zodiac signs gifted by the cosmos

Special new moon
The annular solar eclipse on October 14th. brings particularly good luck to three zodiac signs

© hyserb / Adobe Stock

On Saturday, October 14th, a new lunar cycle begins with a new moon and solar eclipse. You can read here which zodiac signs will particularly favor the cosmic energies in the coming weeks.

The nights are getting longer and longer and are getting darker this week: On Saturday, October 14th, the current lunar cycle ends and a new one begins – it is New moon. During the new moon phase, the moon is between the earth and the sun. Therefore, on Earth we see its shady side, while its bright side – because it reflects sunlight – faces the sun.

Sometimes the moon in its new moon phase obscures the sun, rarely completely, more often partially, and a solar eclipse occurs. This will be the case on October 14th, as the moon now intersects the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the sun. The moon is currently too far away from the Earth to appear large enough from our perspective to completely obscure the sun, so this time we are not dealing with a total solar eclipse, but rather a partial solar eclipse, an annular one: The moon’s disk moves centrally in front of the sun, so that only a glowing ring around a black circle can be seen.

This annular solar eclipse can be observed in large parts of America – only the extreme south of South America and western Alaska are outside the zone where the moon’s shadow falls during the eclipse. The eclipse begins at 6:10 p.m. our time – mid-morning in the American West – and ends at 10:49 p.m., late afternoon in the American East. The calculated peak of the new moon phase is at 7:55 p.m., the moon is in the zodiac sign Libra at this time.

Even though we won’t see the solar eclipse in Europe, its energetic influences can certainly have an impact on us. According to the horoscope, the new lunar cycle offers particularly positive prospects for the following zodiac signs.

New moon on October 14th: the cosmos is giving 3 zodiac signs an unexpected gift


Pisces can organize and tidy up a lot of things in the new lunar cycle – especially inside themselves. Now you can collect and sort yourself in a way that gives you a lot of clarity and relief. You now see your path instead of walking along it disoriented. This in turn can result in you discovering and releasing new strengths within yourself that you can use particularly well for the approaching winter.


For Libras, the solar eclipse sets in motion a process that gives them lasting freedom and encourages them in their self-development. You now see more clearly what kind of sympathy and appreciation you are willing to give – and who gives you both without you having to cross your boundaries. This insight will help you decide which people in your life you want to devote how much energy to.


In the new lunar cycle, Sagittarius can breathe deeply and experience the world attentively and without too much distraction from pressure, expectations and demands. Your gaze is now less forward and focused on a goal than awake and openly wandering – which of course creates a completely different picture in your mind. Your changed perception makes you feel highly connected and part of an amazing miracle that touches you deeply.

Sources used:,, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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