“Another 1 kilo and it’s the hospital”: Adriana Karembeu talks about these complications encountered during her pregnancy: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Her life took a new turn on August 17, 2018. After several miscarriages, Adriana Karembeu welcomed Nina, born from her past union with Aram Ohanian. The 52-year-old actress, presenter and model is today a happy mother, who enjoys her daily life alongside her little daughter. During an interview given to PurepeopleTuesday January 30, 2024, the ex-partner of Christian Karembeu returned to her pregnancy, which was not easy. Among the difficulties she had to face was food. “I couldn’t eat absolutely anything. It was crazy,” she first revealed. A situation that had almost become critical for her but also for her baby, as her doctor had informed her. “I remember my doctor telling me: ‘Another 1 kg you lose and it’s the hospital'”, she continued, adding that eating had become complicated because of the smells. Towards the end of her pregnancy, the former host of Extraordinary powers of the human body claims that she could not “eat only half a yogurt”.

Adriana Karembeu: a pregnancy she has bad memories of

During her pregnancy, Adriana Karembeu had a lot of difficulty tolerating food odors but also that of her pet. “I literally kicked my dog ​​out of the house. He wasn’t far away but before, I slept with my dog. There, it was complicated”, she told Purepeople. However, if eating had become complicated, the ambassador of the French Red Cross indicated that she had done everything possible to ensure that her daughter Nina was in good health. “On the other hand, I really only ate good things for my daughter because I wanted it to be correct, so I ate every two or three hours to make it go away. But it was like that throughout the pregnancy.” she declared. A pregnancy which was very difficult for the actress, but she assures that all the complications were forgotten when Nina arrived.

It was precisely at 3:19 p.m., on August 17, 2018, that her little daughter showed up. A few hours later, Adriana Karembeu regained her appetite. “By 7 p.m., I was able to eat my entire dish like before. Everything disappeared a few hours after I gave birth.”, she remembered before continuing: “My body, my digestion after my pregnancy, it was magnificent. Like what, it changed everything.” Words that can give hope to mothers who are in the same situation.

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