Anti-colic bottle: which are the most effective models? : Current Woman The MAG

Colic in babies: what are we talking about exactly?

Colic in babies: definition. Dr. Solange Moore, pediatrician at the Polyclinique du Parc Saint-Saulve (ELSAN group), defines colic in babies as "feeling of discomfort in the child, sometimes painful, related to transit and digestionColic in babies (we speak more frequently of "infant colic") can begin in the first days of the newborn's life, after the emission of the very first stools (meconium).

Colic in babies: what are the symptoms? Infant colic can last between a few minutes and several hours … They are characterized by gas (the child emits farts), by bloating (the child has a swollen stomach), by inconsolable crying … "Baby is restless, crying, visibly uncomfortable"says Dr. Solange Moore.

Good news : colic in infants are considered "benign" by medicine: the medical examination of the child who suffers from it is generally normal, as is the weight curve and psychomotor development.

Colic in babies: what are the causes? At present, however, baby's colic is poorly understood by Science which does not yet understand (for example) its origin … "It seems that children born to ancestors subject to migraines are at greater risk than others of developing colic in infancy; infant colic is nevertheless very common"says Dr. Solange Moore.

Infant colic: how long does it last? While infant colic can be very trying for exhausted parents (and is the primary reason for seeing a pediatrician during the first days or weeks of a child's life), it usually resolves within 3 to 4 months – and sometimes even earlier.

Infant colic: treatment, prevention … What can be done?

Is there a treatment for infant colic? As the exact cause of infant colic is not known, there are many treatment proposals: some professionals recommend conventional drugs (for example: transit regulators, antispasmodics, etc.), others homeopathy or osteopathy, still others lactose-free milks enriched with probiotics, or even grandmother's remedies (lime water, chamomile …).

Warning : no question of modifying the baby's diet / starting a treatment ("natural" or not) without asking for prior medical advice, it is absolutely essential!

Colic in infants: the pediatrician's advice. "Against baby colic, there is unfortunately no miracle solution, acknowledges Dr. Solange Moore. To avoid them, I recommend that young parents feed their child in a calm atmosphere: turn off the television, turn off the music, avoid noise, sit quietly with Baby and take their time. It is best to feed Baby in an upright position (at least, as much as possible) and especially to verticalize his head."

"When infant colic occurs, heat is a solution that may work to relieve the child's discomfort and pain., adds the specialist. Opt for a hot water bottle lukewarm to put on his stomach (without taking your eyes off the child, of course, and by controlling the temperature of the hot water bottle), gently massage his stomach with a massage oil suitable for babies, place it on the stomach on your bare arm …"Warning! You should never put a baby on his stomach because there is a real risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Anti-colic bottle: is it effective? Anti-colic bottles can actually help (at least a little) to prevent colic in infants – but they are obviously not enough! The principle: reduce the absorption of air by the child, this phenomenon being in part the cause of abdominal pain – in particular: gas and bloating. For this, anti-colic bottles work using valves integrated into the teat or have "angled" shapes or ventilated bases … The idea is to have a better distribution of the air . What if we tested?

Thanks to Dr. Solange Moore, pediatrician at the Polyclinique du Parc Saint-Saulve (ELSAN group).

Source: I am raising my child– Laurence Pernoud, ed. Horay.

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