Anyone entering from France on Sunday must be in quarantine!

A few days ago, the Federal Ministry of Health defined uniform rules for all holidaymakers. The Robert Koch Institute regularly evaluates the infection rate around the world for the Foreign Office. Depending on the 14-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants, countries are divided into high-risk areas or virus variant areas.

If German citizens arrive from high-risk areas or virus variant areas in Germany, they have had to be in quarantine since August 1st.

Who has to quarantine him?

All persons who enter from Egypt, Argentina, Brazil, Georgia, India, Namibia, Portugal, Russia, Spain, South Africa and Cyprus, among others, must be in quarantine. What is new is that from Sunday at midnight, France will also be classified as a high-risk area.

In addition, Algeria, Bangladesh, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Korea, Morocco, Mexico, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Senegal, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and also Uzbekistan.

There is good news: As of Sunday, the Netherlands will no longer be a high-risk area. Entrants no longer have to be in quarantine from Sunday.

German citizens who come from these high-risk areas can interrupt the isolation with a quick test after five days. If you come from virus variant areas, the quarantine applies – without interruption – for 14 days.

Before entering from high-risk areas and virus variant areas, unvaccinated persons must also fill out a digital entry form. Compliance with the quarantine is checked by the local law enforcement officers and the health authorities.

Who Needs a Rapid Negative Antigen Test?

All holidaymakers who travel to Germany from abroad and are not vaccinated need a negative rapid antigen test. Vaccinated and convalescent persons must have their proof with them.

FOCUS Online advises: Download the CovPass app, store all evidence digitally on your smartphone. We show you exactly how this works here.

The federal police and border guards are supposed to carry out the random checks. But the authority apparently feels taken by surprise.

How much do rapid antigen tests cost abroad?

FOCUS Online advises: Always check on arrival where you can get a rapid antigen test for the return journey abroad. The hotel can help the staff find doctors, pharmacies or the competent test centers. Airports are not obliged to offer test stations, they just have to check the documents. Find out about the current prices. Ideally, any pharmacy in the holiday destination can also help.

Also remember that there are many black sheep lurking with exorbitant prices. Sometimes they then charge over 100 euros for a simple rapid antigen test.

  • Belgium: Corona test for travel around 55 euros, test sites Is there … here.
  • Bulgaria: Corona test at the airport between 40 euros (antigen rapid test) and approx. 120 euros (PCR test), in the pharmacy max. 20 euros (antigen rapid test)
  • Denmark: Corona test at the airport between 50 euros (rapid antigen test) and approx. 450 euros (PCR test, for example Copenhagen 25 minute PCR test),
  • Germany: Corona test at the airport between 15 euros (rapid antigen test) and approx. 180 euros (PCR test),
  • Estonia: Corona test at the airport between 49 euros (rapid antigen test) and approx. 75 euros (PCR test) – the test sites are here
  • Finland: Corona test at the airport between 130 euros (rapid antigen test) and approx. 158.60 euros (PCR test)
  • France: Corona tests for tourists can cost a maximum of 29 euros (antigen rapid test) or a maximum of 49 euros (PCR test)
  • Greece: Corona test depending on the pharmacy or doctor between 20 euros (antigen rapid test) and approx. 60 euros (PCR test)
  • Ireland: Corona test at the airport between 45 euros (rapid antigen test) and 69 euros (PCR test) – the test sites are here
  • Italy: Corona test, depending on the provider and city, between 20 euros (antigen rapid test) and 100 euros (PCR test)
  • Croatia: Corona test depending on the private clinic and city between 20 euros (antigen rapid test) and 100 euros (PCR test)
  • Latvia: Corona test depending on the provider between 19 euros (antigen rapid test) and 80 euros (PCR test)
  • Lithuania: Corona test at the airport between 24 euros (rapid antigen test) and 37 euros (PCR test)
  • Luxembourg: Corona test at the airport between 79 euros (rapid antigen test) and 119 euros (PCR test)
  • Malta: Corona test at the airport between 35 euros (rapid antigen test) and 130 euros (PCR test)
  • Netherlands: free of charge if you register in advance (here), otherwise 55 euros for a rapid antigen test or 75 euros for a PCR test at the airport
  • Austria: Rapid antigen tests at pharmacies, doctors and test centers usually free of charge, PCR tests via laboratory up to 69 euros, children pay up to 49 euros.
  • Poland: Corona test at the airport between 39 euros (rapid antigen test) and 130 euros (PCR test via laboratory)
  • Portugal: Corona test at the airport between 20 euros (rapid antigen test) and 90 euros (PCR test via laboratory)
  • Romania: Corona test depending on the provider between 5 euros (antigen rapid test) and 80 euros (PCR test)
  • Sweden: Corona tests in the care centers (family doctor, clinic), PCR tests cost 122.05 euros (1,250 Swedish kronor)
  • Slovakia: Corona test at the airport between 25 euros (rapid antigen test) and 69 euros (PCR test)
  • Slovenia: Corona test, depending on the provider and city, between 20 euros (antigen rapid test) and 95 euros (PCR test)
  • Spain: Corona test, depending on the provider and city, between 20 euros (antigen rapid test) and 100 euros (PCR test), on the Balearic Islands there is a maximum limit of 30 euros for antigen rapid test or 75 euros for PCR test.
  • Russia: The necessary PCR test is available in many cities for around 40 euros. In big cities they are cheaper (Moscow about 30 euros).
  • Turkey: The necessary PCR test is available for 30 euros in public test centers, at airports and in tourist facilities. The rapid antigen test costs around 18 euros.
  • Czech Republic: Corona test depending on the clinic and provider between 20 euros (rapid antigen test) and 350 euros (PCR test via laboratory), the PCR test is usually available for 150 euros.
  • Hungary: Corona test, depending on the provider and city, between 26 euros (antigen rapid test) and 130 euros (PCR test), the test sites can be found here.
  • Cyprus: Corona test depending on the pharmacy or doctor between 20 euros (antigen rapid test), at the airport (PCR test) it costs between 30 and 70 euros.