Apex Legends: Rapper Post Malone raises just under $200,000 for four charities

Apex Legends, Post malone, 200K, charity, The Trevor Project, Human Rights Watch, Project Hope, United Way

In association with Respawn and Apex Legends, the rapper and big fan of the battle royale organized a four-day charity marathon for 4 associations.

It is on the occasion of his charity event entitled “Gaming for Love” that Post-Malonethe famous rapper, managed to collect a little less $200,000 for 4 different charities over 4 marathon days on Apex Legends.

The association changed every day and this is the last day that the rapper and other figures in the Apex Legends community like Timmy iiTzTimmy» An and Brandon aceu» winnraised the most money with the sum of $75,000.

As a celebration, Post Malone drank from his shoe on stream and thanked all the donors: “Shoey for The Trevor Project. We f***** love you so much. Thanks for the donations. $75,000, here we go!»

Far from an event like the Z-Eventthe marathon still collected a little less than 200 thousand dollars for 4 different associations that is here :

  • Human Rights Watch: an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that conducts research and defends human rights: $20,761
  • Project Hope: a global health and disaster relief organization saving the lives of Ukrainian children and families, fighting COVID-19 and responding to global health crises: $48,463
  • United Way: an international network of local nonprofit organizations (NPO) based in the United States, which collects donations and redistributes them to local nonprofit organizations: $50,814
  • The Trevor Project: a suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth: $75,935

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