Appeal to the population – Omikron wave: Tyrolean authorities are reaching their limits

More than 1500 new infections every day in Tyrol: The rapidly increasing corona numbers in this fifth wave are pushing the health authorities and the contact tracers to their limits. In Tyrol, those who have tested positive are initially informed of their results by SMS – the official call to clarify the quarantine time and a possible free test will only be made later.

“People who have tested positively are informed by the authorities about the positive test result via SMS in order to ensure that information is passed on as quickly as possible. At the same time with this SMS the official request is given to stay at home “, it said on Wednesday in a broadcast of the country. As soon as possible the telephone contact takes place on the part of the authority,” in order to determine the duration of the quarantine and a possible free testing. “” Call please wait “” Due to the currently intense infection rate and the very high number of calls to be made and the contact tracing to be carried out, the authorities are currently making contact with some delay. We ask affected persons to wait for this reliably incoming call and not to call the hotlines independently, ”emphasizes Elmar Rizzoli, head of the Tyrolean Corona task force.
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