Apprehended in Burgenland – refugees in the van: smuggler caught!

In broad daylight and in the middle of town, a smuggler let more than two dozen refugees get out of the getaway car in Ollersdorf in the Güssing district (Burgenland). Then he himself was on the run.

A bizarre refugee seizure occurred on Thursday afternoon around 5 p.m. in Ollersdorf in southern Burgenland. Locals couldn’t believe their eyes when a white van suddenly stopped near a hotel on the community’s main street and several people got out of the car and started walking. The people from the village immediately called the police. When the driver, who according to eyewitnesses was “a black African in a white shirt”, noticed this, he jumped out of the car and immediately fled on foot in the direction of Olbendorf. A large-scale manhunt with helicopters is currently under way. The police officers immediately supplied the refugees with water and initially recorded the data of 27 people. They are eleven women, nine men and seven minor children. Most of them are Kurds. In the meantime, another five refugees have been picked up in the area. They were taken to Heiligenkreuz for initial admission. Finally, shortly before 8 p.m., two smugglers were arrested at an inn in the neighboring municipality of Litzelsdorf. The two had been waiting for a taxi there.
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