ARD theme week “City. Country. Change”: What is it all about?

ARD theme week “City. Country. Change”
What’s behind it?

The film “Life is not Kindergarten 2” with Sophie Reiling (from left), Oliver Wnuk, Karl von Klot, Meike Droste and many more was shot in Berlin and Konstanz.

© ARD Degeto / program planning and P

In the ARD theme week “City. Country. Change”, viewers can look forward to films, documentaries, shows … These are some of the highlights.

In the ARD theme week with the multi-layered title “City. Country. Change – Where is the future at home?” (7-13 November) is about the development of urban and rural habitats.

How do we want to live? What worries do people in cities, villages and regions have? What ideas and wishes are there for a good life in the cities and in the country? Questions like these are dealt with in a wide variety of formats in the first, in the state broadcasting corporations, in the radio and in the media libraries.

Some highlights

A new series starts as part of the theme week. Eckart von Hirschhausen (54) will present the first issue “Knowledge before eight – Earth” on Monday (November 8th) at 7:45 pm in the first. The format is about planetary health. The doctor and science journalist shows how closely our human health is intertwined with the health of the earth system.

In the Wednesday film “12 Days of Summer” (November 10, 8:15 pm, the first), father and son want to walk a donkey from Munich to Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze, for twelve days. The educational measure for the pubescent son becomes a dramatic-comic endurance test for both of them.

“Nuhr im Wandel” is the motto on Thursday (November 11th) at 10:50 pm in the first. The realities of life are changing. But where can change take us? Cabaret artist Dieter Nuhr (61) probably doesn’t have one all-encompassing answer to these and other questions, but the way there is “guaranteed to be paved with humor” according to the broadcaster.

In the feature film “Life is not a kindergarten – moving chaos” (November 12th, 8:15 pm, the first), the ambitious educator and family man Freddy (Oliver Wnuk, 45) and his wife, doctor Juliana (Meike Droste, 41), leave Together with their children because of their careers the comfort zone Constance on Lake Constance and move to Berlin. But then Juliane becomes pregnant.


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