Ariane Séguillon: her atrocious secrets about the rapes committed by her uncle on her brother

It is with great emotion that Ariane Séguillon revealed a heavy family secret: the fact that her brother was raped by their uncle when he was a child.

These are poignant confidences, which are reminiscent of those of Camille Kouchner. In January 2021, during a book, The Grand Family (Ed. Seuil), this lawyer revealed that her twin brother had been regularly abused by their stepfather, Olivier Duhamel. There, it is not the father-in-law but the uncle who has committed the unimaginable. “My brother was repeatedly raped as a child by one of our paternal uncles.“, reveals Ariane Séguillon in the columns of TV Star on newsstands this Monday, February 21. But as with the Kouchners, when Benjamin revealed to his family that he was being abused by this man, they preferred to turn a deaf ear.

My brother, around 10 years old, spoke out so that one of our cousins ​​would not be a victim of monstrous tortures of this pedophile“, explains Ariane Séguillon, before deploring: “I’ve always felt immense guilt for failing to protect my brother.“. However, the actress, she tried to react and to shout loud and clear her hatred towards this uncle. “I also tried to kill my uncle throwing a flowerpot over her head. I just missed him and people in my family, who didn’t know yet, they say I was jealous because he gave my little cousins ​​a lot of presents…“, she tells our colleagues.

Ariane Séguillon: “I have the memory, one night, of having seen my brother and him come out of a room”

Before her brother Benjamin dared to say what his executioner was doing to him, Ariane Séguillon had no knowledge of the horror that her brother was going through. However, a terrible image remains anchored in his memory. “I remember one night seeing him and my brother come out of a room. And I have in mind the lost look of my brother that I had never seen him. I still don’t know today if it’s a nightmare or if it’s the truth“, reveals the actress of tomorrow belongs to us. If Ariane Séguillon “forgave“to her family this heavy secret, she”do not forget“However. “As for this bad guy, he died without an excuse for anyone,” she blurts out. the weight of this family drama also had consequences on his own life. This is indeed one of the causes of her bulimia, triggered in 2015 when Benjamin told her that he had cancer – he died of it in 2018. A heartbreaking story that she details in her book The big (Ed. Flammarion) in bookstores on March 9th.


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2/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
Ariane Séguillon’s brother Benjamin was repeatedly raped by their uncle

© Christopher Clovis

3/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
“My brother suffered, as a child, repeated rape by one of our paternal uncles”, reveals Ariane Séguillon


4/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
Worse, when Benjamin revealed to his family that he was being abused by this man, they preferred to turn a deaf ear.

© Bruno Bébert

5/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
“My brother, around 10 years old, spoke so that one of our cousins ​​would not be a victim of the monstrous torture of this pedophile”, explains Ariane Séguillon

© Christopher Clovis

6/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
And to lament: “I have always felt immense guilt for not having succeeded in protecting my brother”.

© Christopher Clovis

7/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
However, Ariane Séguillon, she tried to react and shout loud and clear her hatred towards this uncle


8/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
“I actually tried to kill my uncle by throwing a flowerpot at his head. I just missed it and people in my family, who didn’t know yet, they say I was jealous. because he gave a lot of gifts to my little cousins…”, says Ariane Séguillon

© Bruno Bébert

9/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
Before her brother Benjamin dared to say what his executioner was doing to him, Ariane Séguillon had no knowledge of the horror that her brother was going through.

© Panoramic

10/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
Nevertheless, a terrible image remains anchored in the memory of Ariane Séguillon


11/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
“I remember, one night, seeing my brother and him come out of a room. And I have in mind the lost gaze of my brother that I had never seen him. I still don’t know today today if it’s a nightmare or if it’s the truth”, reveals Ariane Séguillon

© Panoramic

12/12 –

Ariane Seguillon
If Ariane Séguillon “forgave” her family this heavy secret, she “does not forget”

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