Arnold Schwarzenegger: This is how the Terminator celebrates its birthday

Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrated his 73rd birthday with his children, ex-wife Maria Shriver and three cakes.

Big family celebration of the Schwarzeneggers: Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrated his 73rd birthday with the majority of his children and with his ex-wife Maria Shriver (64). This resulted in a family photo that shows Arnie with his kids Patrick (26), Christina (29), Christopher (22) and Katherine (30) and Shriver. And, not to be missed, three cakes!

Patrick posted the photo on Instagram – and apologized for his only hinted smile with a good explanation: "I'm trying to smile so hard … Damn wisdom teeth … All the best, Daddy". The injured Terminator offspring probably had no more of the grandiose cake buffet that was set up in front of the Schwarzeneggers than Arnie's son Joseph Baena (22), who probably missed the family gatherings, but also congratulated them on Instagram.
