Arthur Chevallier – End of the selection: school populism is born

CHRONIC. The Academy of Paris plans, for the next school year, the end of recruitment on file for Parisian students at Henri-IV and Louis-le-Grand.

View of the Lycee Henri-IV in Paris.
View of the Lycée Henri-IV in Paris.
© ANNA KURTH / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

Through Arthur Chevallier

De Gaulle – Think, resist, govern

His name has become synonymous with a free and powerful France. De Gaulle, the man of the appeal of June 18, has established himself in history first as a rebel, a resistance fighter and then as a charismatic political leader, in France and abroad. Adored, hated during his presidency, he became after his death a myth, an ideal politician that on the right and on the left we begin to regret.



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