Ascendant, why is it more important after 40?

For many, the month, day and hour of birth affect our lives. They correspond to a sign that would determine certain personality and character traits. But the ascendant would have an equally important, even major, impact after 40 years.

I’ascending often takes second place. He is however impossible to dissociate it from the sign of the zodiac itself determined by the date of birth and the sun sign, for fully understand our personality. In astrology the ascendant puts into perspective a hidden or deeper facet (instinct, appearance…) which evolves over time, in particular from 40 years old. This is why any individual passionate about astrology must know his ascendant and, to go further, that of his entourage and more particularly that of the loved one.

To calculate it, it’s very simple: it is essential to know the time and place of birth. The ascendant actually changes every two hours, so that each of the 12 ascendants is represented on a single day. Hence the need to be perfectly informed about the precise time of birth.

With the maturity acquired throughout our life and according to our different experiences, our personality is refined and affirmed. The inner self gradually takes over. After 40, the Ascendant can therefore highlight a facet of your personality hitherto buried or even seemingly unknown to those around you. In other words, certain character traits were less visible although they were always present in you.

Just like the signs of the zodiac, 12 in number, each ascendant has particular characteristics. For example, a Scorpio is said to be direct and frank, enigmatic and mysterious. Virgo people are patient, thoughtful and organized, and Leo people are said to be courageous and honest. The ascendant will have an influence on these character traits and therefore reinforce them or, on the contrary, attenuate them. A water sign can therefore have a fiery ascendant: a Cancer known for its ability to be available to others can very well have a Sagittarius ascendant, which is more independent in nature. After 40 years, this individual could therefore see his need for independence taking over his desire to help others.

To calculate your ascendant, it’s here!


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