ASML: Deutsche Bank raises its price target

( – Deutsche Bank announced on Monday that it had raised its target on ASML from 1000 to 1100 euros, while renewing its purchase recommendation on the stock.

In a research note, the financial intermediary explains that it expects the stock price of the Dutch equipment manufacturer for the semiconductor industry to continue to perform well until the next investor meeting, scheduled for month of November.

The analyst recalls that it is understood, from the market point of view, that the group will exceed the midpoint of the interval of 30 to 40 billion euros that it had given itself in 2022 as a turnover target. business by 2025.

Deutsche Bank nevertheless estimates that it will be more difficult to achieve turnover at the top of this range

According to him, the market’s attention will now focus on the outlook for 2030, which is currently characterized by a forecast turnover of 44 to 60 billion euros by this deadline.

The professional declares that he expects this objective to possibly be revised upwards to reveal a new interval of between 50 and 62 billion, an improvement of four billion at the midpoint.

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