Assault on the Capitol: Joe Biden will denounce the “responsibility” of Donald Trump

Does Donald Trump have some responsibility for the assault on Capitol Hill by his supporters last year? This is what Joe Biden seems to think, who will denounce the “singular responsibility” of his processor during the speech he will deliver this Thursday, January 6.

The President-in-Office “will expose the importance of what happened on Capitol Hill and the singular responsibility of President Donald Trump in the chaos and carnage that we have seen, and he will forcefully push back against the lies spread by the former president in an attempt to mislead the American people and their own supporters, ”White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Wednesday.

Statements he will deliver during a speech in the Capitol building itself, with Kamala Harris, to mark the first anniversary of the invasion of the United States Congress by a crowd of supporters of Donald Trump, who took place on January 6, 2021, and resulted in the death of four people.

Joe Biden was “lucid about the threat the former president poses to our democracy and how he consistently works to undermine core American values ​​and the rule of law,” said the spokesperson, who added that the President viewed this murderous assault as a “tragic culmination of what these four years under President Trump have done to our country.”

No speech from donald trump

This marks a real change in tone and speech from Joe Biden, who has never really attacked or expressly cited or condemned Donald Trump since taking office, preferring to designate him “the other type”.

If the former US president never clearly encouraged his supporters to invade the Capitol, he encouraged them to fight against the result of the election. Refusing at the start to ease tensions and calm his supporters, he finally denounced a “heinous attack” the day after the assault. A commission of inquiry created by the House of Representatives has yet to rule on his share of responsibility and that of those close to him.

In addition, Donald Trump, who was to hold a press conference this Thursday, January 6 from his home in Florida, finally gave it up, faced with the scolding of the Democrats, who saw it as a “provocation”.

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