Astrology: 3 zodiac signs who prefer to take it slow in love

3 zodiac signs who prefer to take it slow in love

Get to know each other properly before things get more serious: These zodiac signs leave nothing to chance when it comes to love


A new love also brings with it the chance of getting hurt – in the video you can see which three zodiac signs prefer to take it very slowly.

From a one-night stand to a stormy relationship? Not with these three signs of the zodiac: They know very well that a new relationship can quickly become very painful. Therefore, they step on the brakes and take a good look at their new acquaintance.

It pays to be critical

Even if it sounds very romantic, falling head over heels in love and simply plunging into an uncertain future together: in many cases it ends with a rude awakening, a broken heart and bitter tears. Of course, there is often an instant attraction between two people, a special energy at first meeting that can turn your head completely. But none of this lasts long if you soon find out your new crush is yelling at the coffee shop waitress for a snack, is a bad listener, or has completely different interests than you. So it’s a good idea in any case to take things step by step before you start planning the big wedding party in your head.

Careful and planned

In this regard, three zodiac signs in particular are true masters. The reasons for this are completely different, depending on the personality: Some don’t want to give up their freedom, others first want to clarify for themselves what exactly they want in love. But what they all have in common is that their cautious streak is in charge of their love life – and they usually do better with it. At the latest, when your best friend calls you in tears, you’re glad that you can’t just turn your head without taking a closer look. In the video you can see which zodiac signs are particularly careful when they meet someone interesting and might lose their heart.


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