At 99, he collects 19 million euros for the NHS

A 99-year-old British World War II veteran walked 100 lengths in his garden to raise 19 million euros for caregivers in the United Kingdom's public health system, the NHS.

Captain Tom Moore initially thought he would raise a little more than 1,000 euros for the NHS by doing several lengths in his garden with his walker before celebrating his 100th birthday. However, his challenge quickly created buzz on the web. Nearly 800,000 people made donations on its fundraising page. "I feel good, I hope you all feel good too. "said the veteran at the BBC adding that the total amount collected so far was "an absolutely fantastic amount of money."

Tom Moore managed to raise almost £ 17 million, or 19 million euros. The total includes a donation, the amount of which has not been released, from Prince William who did not fail to write to the veteran. "It's amazing, it's great. What I like is that he's a 99 year old veteran, he's been there for a long time, he knows everything and it's wonderful to see that everyone was inspired by his story and his determination. "said the Duke of Cambridge.
"We are absolutely stunned by what has been accomplished, but we are so happy, so humble and so proud.", said Tom Moore's daughter Hannah. "There is a silver lining in these dark times and I think we all need something like this to continue to believe it.", she continued.

About 150 charities will benefit from the money. "It is amazing to see the amount of donations and the outpouring of goodwill to the NHS and to all the NHS charities who will take good care of the money they raise", rejoiced the president ofImperial Health Charity, Ian Lush, noting that this was the largest amount ever raised in a single campaign on his JustGiving site.

The veteran started raising funds to thank the "magnificent" NHS staff who helped him with cancer treatment and a broken hip.

Tom Moore received many congratulatory messages from politicians, celebrities and NHS workers while a petition was launched to receive the title of knight. Over 300,000 people have signed it to date. Downing Street has said that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is looking to greet him in one way or another. "It would be wonderful to have such an honor but I don't expect anything like that ", however confessed the captain.

Prime Minister's spokesman said Tom Moore had "captured the heart of the nation with heroic efforts"For his part, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said that what he had done was "extraordinary"and"has shown that the British spirit is as strong as ever ".

The veteran also spread a message of hope in the midst of a health crisis by promising that "everything would be fine". "For all those people who are having trouble right now, the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will disappear.", did he declare. If his plans for his 100th birthday, which he will celebrate on April 30, were compromised following the pandemic, the national support he received is for him a real "Party". To thank him, a schoolgirl launched a campaign for him to receive virtual birthday cards for this very special day.

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Video by Clara Poudevigne

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