At the Socialist Party, Benjamin Saint-Huile, the boss of the Northern Federation, slams the door and lets go of Hidalgo

The left in identity crisiscase

Benjamin Saint-Huile, head of the second largest socialist federation in France, announces that he will not sponsor Anne Hidalgo’s presidential candidacy and that he is leaving the PS. The left offers, according to him, “a distressing spectacle”.

New blow for Anne Hidalgo, who did not ask for so much. Two days before her planned trip to Lille, the socialist presidential candidate was let go by the first secretary of the northern federation, Benjamin Saint-Huile. Almost unknown on the national political scene, the 38-year-old activist leads the second largest federation in the country, behind that of Paris. He announces this Friday that he will not support Hidalgo in his race for the Elysée and that he is also leaving the party with a fist and a rose. “I renounce the party and all the functions that are mine”said the one who is also mayor of Jeumont, a northern town of 10,000 inhabitants.

Benjamin Saint-Huile regrets that the left “offers a distressing spectacle”. “She seems to get used to the idea that collectively, we have to be satisfied with a candidacy for testimony”, he continues. Before releasing: “I fear that by dint of deafness”this election will have for the Socialist Party a “lethal character”. The number 1 of the North federation is angry with all the candidates on the left, “collectively responsible” of the rout which is announced, and ensures that it will not sponsor “anybody”. “I do not join any camp, any team. The reality of the candidates on the left is that they oscillate between 2 and 7% and the Mélenchon vote has never been an option.sweeps Benjamin Saint-Huile.

“Answers totally outside the realities”

The popular Primary finds favor in his eyes. Won on Sunday by Christian Taubira, the citizens’ initiative shows, according to him “the will of the people on the left to see us united”. Anne Hidalgo came fifth in this election, in which nearly 400,000 voters participated. Far behind Taubira, Jadot, Mélenchon. And even behind Pierre Larrouturou. PS “reacts with answers totally outside the realities”said Saint-Huile.

This surprise announcement adds lead in the wing of a candidate already weakened and not very audible on the merits. On the socialist side, we are trying to calm the mini-fire. This departure will not have “no effect” on Anne Hidalgo’s campaign, swears the mayor of Lille, Martine Aubry. The two women will be together on Sunday in Lille, where they should notably attend the meeting between Losc and PSG. Martine Aubry also assures that Benjamin Saint-Huile had never mentioned “political problems or differences”. Patrick Kanner, socialist senator from the North, speaks of a “brutal and unconcerted decision”. He says the “to regret” and delays the scope of the door slamming: “It is an important political event but which will be overcome within 72 hours”.

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