Attacked with a knife – father wanted to kill trans daughter in her sleep – now he is on trial again


An Iraqi was convicted of attempted murder of his child a year ago. Because he appealed, the case will be before the Bern Higher Court this week.

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Cataleya (19) was attacked by her father in May 2019.

20min / Zora Schaad

He had noticed that his child, who was still a man at the time, was homosexual - he cut his throat open.

He had noticed that his child, who was still a man at the time, was homosexual – he cut his throat open.


  • In May 2019, a man of Iraqi origin attacked his child with a knife at night. The victim survived the deep cut on the neck only with a lot of luck.

  • The regional court of Emmental-Oberaargau sentenced the father in December 2020 for attempted murder.

  • Because he passed the judgment, the case will be heard on Tuesday in the Bern Higher Court.

Cataleya is lucky that she got away with her life. On the night of May 29, 2019, she was attacked by her father QA * with a knife and then admitted to the hospital with severe cuts in the neck area. The young trans woman with Iraqi roots was still living as a man with her father and siblings in Langnau BE. A. had noticed that his child was homosexual. “I woke up with the knife on my neck. My father screamed and asked me if I was gay and pulled the knife through my throat, ”said Cataleya in December 2020, describing the events in front of the regional court in Burgdorf.

At the first instance hearing, the accused denied the act; his child inflicted the injuries himself or a third party attacked him. The court, however, did not believe these allegations: Even if the perpetrator question could not be conclusively clarified, the various evidence and traces – above all the blood stains on the father’s clothing – give a fairly clear picture. The five-man committee saw Cataleya’s sexual orientation as well as her drug and alcohol consumption as the motive for the crime. «Your own child did not fit into the worldview of the accused. For this reason, one morning he soberly made the decision to kill the sleeping child, “said the court president when the verdict was pronounced. QA has been found guilty of attempted murder. The court sentenced him to 11 years ‘imprisonment and also sentenced him to twelve years’ expulsion from the country.

Will defense attorney call for acquittal again?

But the last word on the matter has not yet been spoken: A. moved the case on, which is why it will now be heard on Tuesday in the Bern Higher Court. When asked, his defense lawyer Bruno Studer did not want to comment on what he was going to plead. It is likely, however, that he will demand an acquittal across the board for his client, as he did at the first hearing. The presumption of innocence was grossly violated, argued Studer at the time. Because A. was linguistically unable to explain his innocence, he became a victim. «My client was prejudiced. The public prosecutor’s office drew its conclusions too quickly. “

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