Attention: Mascara damages your eyes!


For the perfect look many women resort to mascara. However, anyone who daily paints the eyes risks health risks, as doctors warn.

Many women are looking for years for the perfect mascara , which makes the eyelashes both visually elongated and voluminous. Once she has found her personal favorite, she wants to use it every day. Unfortunately, according to ophthalmologists, this is not a good idea: if you use mascara on a daily basis, your eyes may be damaged.

The natural moisture protection of the eye at a glance

In the eyelids of the eye are glands that perform various functions. Above all, they produce tallow-like oily substances and tear fluid. The task of oily substance: It ensures that the tear film remains on the eye and does not expire – so the eye remains moist. But if the oil film is damaged, the liquid can not be held on the eye – we first get watery eyes and then dry. 

Inflammation and dry eyes threaten

One of the possible reasons for the damage to the oil film: mascara, like Dr. med. James Chelnis, professor of the York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, told “Medical Daily” explained. Because when mascara is applied, it can clog the pores and prevent the production of the important oil film. This can have negative consequences especially if the mascara is not removed very thoroughly in the evening. Thus, after some time, not only dry eyes, also a Augenlidentzündung could be triggered.

Please be thorough!

It is not only important that the mascara is removed thoroughly, the cleaning should also be done very gently. Strong rubbing over the eyelids can not only cause skin irritation, but also ensure that occasionally eyelashes are pulled out. This not only creates unsightly gaps in the lash line, but also protects the eye from dust and dirt particles. For a gentle make-up, it’s best to use cotton pads and a natural make-up remover – olive oil, for example. With that you wipe carefully over the closed eye several times. Possible oil residues are then dabbed with a soft cloth.

Never again mascara?

And of course we do not have to do without our beloved mascara to protect our eyes. But we should give our eyes and eyelashes some time to regenerate: How about you try it out on the weekend to make up your eyes? If you already have problems with dry and / or constantly watery eyes, you should leave the mascara off for several days and see if the symptoms are getting better. If not, a visit to the ophthalmologist may be useful.