Audrey Dana: how she raises her boys to be good men: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Audrey Dana is a recognized director and actress but she is also a very involved mother. Podcast guest Parents FirstFor Current wifeshe focused in particular on the cocoon she created for her two sons : “I am sensitive to the family space as being a space of security, a little cocoon. It is important for me to offer my children a framework.” It is with complete sincerity that she also confided about what she thinks her sons would say about her: “I think they would say I’m bad at cooking. Which is not entirely true, but what interests me is eating well, as long as I have vegetables, I’m happy. They like it when it’s a little more creative than that. They even gave me a book called You suck at cooking (translate: you suck at cooking, editor’s note). They would say that I pee with the door open and that it makes them drunk, that I don’t get angry often but that when I do, we don’t really want to be there. And I am there for them always so they can trust me in all circumstances.”

Audrey Dana: “By being the woman I am”

Audrey Dana counts the moments spent with her sons as precious moments. She thus prefers to put aside nightlife in favor of shared parentheses with her children: “I don’t party, I’m super mom, that’s my essential. […] I would always choose to be home with my children because I know that time is precious and he passes. I already have a child who left home five years ago.” she detailed to Laurie Cholewa.

All these moments are the way to set an example for his sons. Audrey Dana is indeed very attentive to the relationship her sons have with women: “Respect, consent, communication. I quickly told my children that porn movies are science fiction. It seems important to me to have a moment where these things are said and heard. By being the woman that I am, by raising them in my freedom, my confidence, my autonomy I show them that women are equal to men and that they must be respected.” She thus arrives at a happy conclusion: “I don’t see how it could be boys talking badly to women.

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