Aurore Berg wants to warn about the expectation of the French

The patroness of Renaissance deputies Aurore Bergé claimed on Tuesday that she wanted to “alert” on the “expectation” of the French in terms of relief from inheritance tax, after having made her camp cringe with an amendment on the subject in the project. budget 2023.

It is a presidential commitment that we have all made, which is expected from the French. We do not have the budgetary means to carry it out by 2023. This is the reason why we have filed an appeal amendment which comes to alert on this subject, she explained to the press at the Assemble.

The amendment co-signed with Deputy Mathieu Lefvre aims to come into force on January 1, 2024.

During the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron had promised to raise the allowance on inheritances to 150,000 euros per child, against 100,000 today, and 100,000 euros for other family members.

Aurore Berg intends to guarantee that this commitment will be kept by our majority during our mandate, which was reaffirmed by (the Minister of Public Accounts) Gabriel Attal.

The objective was not an achievement for 2023, but allowed to put this subject in discussion, she assured, by affirming that it is in total connection with Matignon that has worked.

Several Macronist deputies had asked to withdraw their names from this amendment, regretting an individual initiative without consultation.

On the sidelines of a trip to Guyana and Martinique, the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal recalled the government line: not to put this measure in the finance bill for budgetary reasons, in a 2023 vintage presented as a budget protection against inflation.

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The general rapporteur of the Budget Jean-Ren Cazeneuve (Renaissance) shifted in Les Echos on Tuesday: Yes, we will do it over the five-year term. Given the crises we are currently going through and our desire to control public spending, is this the priority? I don’t think so, he says.

Relief from inheritance tax is also claimed by LR. The right-wing parliamentarians had retained the outstretched hand of the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire on the subject during the dialogues at Bercy – exchanges between executives of the parliamentary groups and the government – ​​but not from this finance bill.

Member of the majority, the Horizons group finds itself perfectly in what was proposed by Aurore Berg, indicated one of its executives. It’s good to show that we are sensitive to certain subjects and not leave that to others.

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