France has become the first country in the world to vote to include the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy in its Constitution. A strong symbol. On the occasion of this great advance and International Women’s Rights Day, Aurore Bergé gave an interview to Closer, this Friday March 8. In the columns of the magazine, the Minister of Equality between Women and Men returned to the emotion she felt when abortion was included in the Constitution, before discussing the need to educate children so that they grow upin the culture of respect and equality”, then return to the machismo that still reigns in the world of politics.
Asked about gender-based violence and freedom of speech in the world of cinema, the mother of little Victoire explained what she wanted for her daughter, only 16 months old. “I want her to grow up in a society where she will never be afraidshe says. In which she will be free to become whoever she wants.” Before adding: “Being a feminist means wanting a society of respect and equality. It’s about guaranteeing women’s freedoms. Today, I have the means to act so that my daughter has fewer questions to ask herself than I did at the time.”. And Aurore Bergé intends to do everything possible to make this possible.
⋙ PHOTOS – These female politicians who combine politics and motherhood
Aurore Bergé: her rare secrets about motherhood
A few weeks before giving birth to her daughter Victoire, Aurore Bergé gave an interview in the columns of Galain September 2022. The minister then spoke about the difficulties some women have in combining motherhood and work. “Everyone does what they can or want. This is not a trivial event in one’s life and I will not endanger my baby’s health or my own”, she confided. Fortunately, she was able to count on the support of her companion Grégory Besson-Moreau, already the father of two children, whom she had met in the hemicycle during Emmanuel Macron’s first mandate. “We will both adapt. He already has two little girls aged 5 and 7, who live with us part of the week”she explained.
Photo credits: Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage
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