Autumn kitchen: With this recipe you will succeed in making a juicy pumpkin bread

Banana bread alternative for fall
Recipe for juicy and delicious pumpkin bread

Pumpkin bread: The bright orange eye-catcher from the autumn kitchen.


It’s finally pumpkin time again! And it not only tastes particularly good in soup or in Pumpkin Spice Latte, but also baked as bread.

A new season always brings with it a whole range of recipes that absolutely have to be tested and, above all, tried out. In autumn, the pumpkin usually plays the absolute leading role. After all, it is the trending vegetable of the season.

Bake your own pumpkin bread

What might have been banana bread in summer is now pumpkin bread. Because you can also bake a wonderfully fragrant loaf of bread from the orange vegetables. How this works and which ingredients you need for it, you will learn step by step in the video.

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