Avatar 3, 4 and 5: releases postponed for the next James Cameron films

Thunderbolt on Pandora! Scheduled to be released in theaters on December 18, 2024, Avatar 3 has been postponed by Disney! The other suites have also been postponed!

Bad news for Avatar fans! After The Way of the Water, released in December 2022, the sequels to the saga have been postponed by the Disney studio.

The firm with big ears has unveiled the calendar of its future releases, relayed by The Hollywood Reporter. Avatar 3, scheduled for December 18, 2024, will finally land in December 2025.

As for Avatar 4, supposed to be released on December 16, 2026, it has been delayed by 3 years! The new date is December 2029. The 5th opus, initially scheduled for December 20, 2028, has also been postponed. The outcome of the saga will be visible on the screens in December 2031!

For the moment, Disney has not specified the exact day but it should be around the Christmas period, just like The Way of the water. We will therefore have to be really very patient before discovering the end of the Na’vis saga!

Note that Disney has also announced several postponements of its big Marvel releases like Deadpool 3, Captain America 4 and Avengers 5. New Star Wars film projects have also been postponed to 2026, without specifying the feature films concerned.

As a reminder, Avatar 2 gathered more than 14 million admissions in France. Internationally, the work of James Cameron reported the modest sum of 2.32 billion dollars.

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