The Eyes3Shut company, located near Brest, uses specific technology to guarantee true immersion in James Cameron’s latest film.
“ We can thank james cameron who relaunched 3D! exclaims Renaud Van Lith, the co-founder of Eyes3shut. This Breton company, founded in 2005 by Jean Louis de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye and himself, specializes in 3D glasses. She has seen her rating increase since the release of the hit film Avatar 2: The Voice of Water.
Featured on the show’s set Daily, on TMC, in the presence of the famous director, in December, the glasses of the start-up have since made a lot of noise. “ We have the best technology, and it’s not me who says it » proclaims the co-founder. The glasses in question are indeed based on a technology known as “ active which provides a higher quality image. Far from the glasses used by cinemas ten years ago when the first Avatar was released, despite the existence of the start-up. And even still today, 90% of operators worldwide choose poor quality for economic reasons “, explains Renaud Van Lith.
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Around 500 screens equipped in France
But the Breton company, located in the Brest-Iroise technology park (Finistère), has not said its last word. Cinema, undermined by streaming platforms and the disinterestedness of younger generations, must find ways to reinvent itself. It is in this dynamic that more and more cinemas are changing their 3D technology, to offer spectators a better experience and encourage them to return to the room, according to the co-founder. He is therefore betting on a restart of 3D and an increase in the number of “ premium rooms “. The start-up has already equipped around 500 screens in France and 200 abroad with more than 200,000 glasses made available.
Constraints emerge all the same, starting with the cost. “ The price of the place is necessarily higher with our technology says Renaud Van Lith. The overhead is about two to three euros he confirms. The organization is also more restrictive. Unlike cheap 3D glasses, theaters have to pick up those “top of the lineat the end of the screenings. The company then offers theaters the rental of glasses to facilitate management.
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The start-up has, despite everything, great prospects ahead of it. Avatar has already exceeded ten million cinema admissions in France and the business manager is betting on “ 16 million “. The company even aims to “become one of the world leaders in 3D for the cinema“. In the meantime, other 3D films are to be expected this year, confides the co-founder, such as titanic in February, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in May or Dunes 2 in November.
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