Aventurine: all you need to know about the powers of this stone: Current Woman The MAG

From the quartz family, ranging from green to blue, aventurine is generally light green speckled with a darker inclusion, rather translucent, while carnelian for example is dark and opaque. It is an inexpensive stone, very easy to find, compatible with many stones and particularly useful for learning about lithotherapy.

What are the benefits of aventurine stone?

The benefits of stones are directly linked to their colors. Green, like pink, corresponds to the heart chakra.

"Green helps with love issues, pink helps with self-esteem. It is interesting to work with green crystals when it comes to emotions and if you need to value how much of you you can give. to others.It is a perfect color for those who want to make a new start in life and in love,"can we read in"Crystals"by Bernice Cockram, a new work published by Albin Michel in the" keys to esotericism "collection.

"This stone helps us to seize opportunities with confidence. It also bestows hope and gratitude.

Meaning: opportunity, luck, freedom

It also promotes the growth of plants in pots (place an Aventurine in the pot) "

Aventurine, heart chakra stone, Anahata

  • The area of ​​this chakra is in the center of the chest.
  • On the physical level, this chakra is related to the chest, at thymus, to the breathing (including cough problems), heart, at circulatory system (such as high blood pressure), arms and to hands.
  • The hyperactivity of this chakra breeds subjects who are manipulative, or who lack limits to the point of giving too much of themselves.
  • The weakness of this chakra can lead to emotional dependence, inhibition, loneliness, detachment or selfishness.
  • Work on this chakra leads to improve love, in all its forms. He can help us to give freely, without expecting anything in return.

How to use aventurine stone?

There are many ways to use stones to benefit from their gentle energies. The book "Cristaux" offers two easy-going ones, which allow you to gently initiate yourself to the benefits of lithotherapy.

  1. Sleeping with stones: to sleep, you can keep stones under your pillow or on your nightstand. It is a way to unconsciously connect with crystals and enjoy their benefits while you sleep. Make sure these are not overly stimulating stones or your sleep may be disturbed. Start with soothing crystals, like sodalite or amethyst (or our aventurine of course, editor's note), until you are used to sleeping surrounded by various energies.
  2. Stones in the bath: you can put stones in your bath to "energize" the water. Just make sure that these crystals are not soluble or toxic. Prefer harder crystals that are unlikely to be damaged by hot water. (No worries with Aventurine. This stone from the quartz family is solid, Editor's note.)

Where to place aventurine?

To open or soothe the heart, we will place aventurine in the center of the chest. If it is about embarking on a professional project, we will ask it on the desk. And for a romantic encounter, it is better to wear it on you, in his pocket or purse.

How to clean an aventurine?

For a stone to perform at its best, it is essential to clean and recharge it before using it for the first time. These operations allow the stone to be rid of its past energies and memories. The author suggests four methods to choose from for aventurine: salt, water, earth, incense

“Since crystals absorb energy, it is best to clean them to rid them of unwanted energies. This also 'resets' the programming you previously made. It is important to clean the crystals you have purchased. or that have been given to you because they remember the energy of the people who handled them and that of the rooms they have been in. Ideally, jewelry set with stones should also be cleaned before wearing, especially if they have belonged to someone else. Like the quartz of a watch, the energy contained by the stone is limited and must be recharged to emit again. The same goes with the crystals that you use in your meditations, your movements or your care. When a stone cracks or breaks, it is not necessarily due to the fact that it is made of a material which does not support a humid environment for example. It is also because she conti ent too much energy and needs cleaning.

When cleaning a stone, focus on wanting to rid it of all energies that are not inherently within it. There are several ways to clean crystals. All of them are effective. The method applied therefore depends only on your preference ", specifies Bernice Cockram.

The water : The ideal is to place the stone in the water of a stream, you can easily leave your aventurine under a stream of tap water.

Salt : place the stone in a bowl with salt, overnight. Be careful not to scratch the stone and make sure that salt crystals do not get into any gaps in the stone. Throw in the salt the next morning.

Earth : you can bury your crystals in the garden overnight to let mother nature clean them up and recharge their energy. To do this, place them in a flower pot and bury the pot. Mark the spot where you buried it so that it is easily found. Note: This method does not apply if you live in an area with acidic or rocky soil. Also, some crystals are water soluble, so make sure your soil is not too wet.

Smoke: Pass the stone through the smoke of sage leaves or a lighted incense stick. Your intention remains the same: to rid the stone of energies that do not belong to it. Sage leaves can be dry and tied in a bouquet. The smoke that emanates from sage is purifying and fragrant. You can buy them in an esoteric store. Sage is also used to purify the energy of a room, "we read in Bernice Cockram's" Crystals ".

How to recharge an aventurine stone?

"Charging a stone means filling it with a certain type of energy. It is also a way of increasing the energy of a crystal," we learn. "You can leave the crystals on a window sill or in another safe place that will allow them to absorb the sun's rays. Keep in mind that some crystals may discolor when so exposed (such as amethyst which recharges at the Moon, but aventurine loves the Sun Editor's note), while others can play the role of a magnifying glass and set fire by concentrating the rays of light.

Albin Michel

Publisher Albin Michel is releasing a particularly successful new collection this week: The Keys to Esotericism. The book "Cristaux", signed by Bernice Cockram, presents a complete and easy introduction to the powers of lithotherapy. We discover the main crystals, of course, but above all the methods to use them well, learn to meditate with your stones, work with the aura. The author invites you to mix genres and to rely on dowsing as well as astrology to refine her knowledge of stones.

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