Average penis size has increased 24% in 30 years, but that’s bad news

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A study by researchers at Stanford University reveals a 24% increase in the average size of erect penises since the 1990s. A result that is more worrying than positive for scientists.

If when it comes to sexuality, the size of the penis does not really matter, in scientific papers its study is crucial! Stanford University researchers published a study at the end of December last year in The World Journal of Men’s Health with surprising results on the size of the male sexes. In barely thirty years, the average size of the erect penis is said to have increased by 24%from 12.2 centimeters to 15.2 centimeters.

The article is based on medical data from PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library, which contained the measurements of the more than 55,000 men selected for the study. The mass of data scrutinized by scientists was based on different calculation methods around the world. By self-assessment (the results of which were not counted because of the biases inherent in the question), by spontaneous erection in the office with measurement by the health professional, and by intra-cavernous injection, again in the office. While erect size increased significantly, flaccid and stretched lengths showed no changes.

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The negative origin of larger penises

If the information can make people smile, for scientists, this rapid and major increase in penis size is not to be taken lightly. Indeed, the causes of this change must be found quickly because they could be disastrous for the health of future generations. A few hypotheses have already been formulated: the increasing exposure to endocrine disruptors which could play an important role in the development of the genitals, the increasingly sedentary lifestyle and obesity.

Puberty is getting earlier and earlier due to exposure to chemicals and this also has consequences for the evolution of bodies. Among young girls, it has been noticed for several centuries already a significant drop in the age at which the first period occurs. In 1994, during the last INED study on the subject, this average age was 12.6 years. A very low figure whereas in 1950 it was 13 years old, 15 years old in 1850, and even around 16 years old in 1750.

Whether penis size does increase, due to the same exposures to chemical and endocrine disruptors an equally rapid decline in testosterone levels and sperm count is observed. Genital malformations and testicular tumors are also more common. This is not without negative consequences on fertility.

Society/Sex/Psycho Journalist

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