Axa, Groupama, MMA… The slow implementation of termination in three clicks by insurers

Insurers take full advantage of the three-month period granted by Bercy for the implementation of simplified termination online, theoretically allowing their customers since June 1 to terminate their insurance contracts “in three clicks”.

The decree implementing the law in favor of purchasing power and consumer protection dates from June 1, 2023, but three months of compliance have been granted.

This decree allows consumers to have a new method of termination by avoiding, for example, the sending of a registered letter or other more complex steps aimed at slowing down or discouraging the steps of termination, welcomed the Minister of the economy in a June 1 press release.

Several groups contacted these days by AFP admit that the device is not yet in place but that the work of application is in progress.

Adaptation of the website

This is the case, for example, for the Covea network (MMA, MAAF and GMF brands). Axa France explains for its part that it is continuing to adapt its website to the new regulations to allow end-to-end online termination.

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Groupama indicates that the launch will be effective the weekend of June 25, the small delay being explained by major computer tests which can only be done at certain times of the year, according to fixed slots.

No ill will on the part of insurers

The subject is not new, however, since the law from which it stems on emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power facilitating the online termination of contracts dates from almost a year ago, August 16, 2022.

This law just opens an additional channel for termination, tempers Olivier Moustacakis, co-founder of the comparator joined by AFP, who sees no ill will on the part of insurers.

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