Axa questioned about its support for oil and gas during its general assembly

Journalist Elise Lucet and the founder of the NGO Reclaim Finance questioned the insurer Axa on Thursday during its general meeting, about its investments in oil and gas and asked it in vain to make new commitments in favor of of the climate.

Science is categorical, we must no longer develop new oil and gas projects, launched Lucie Pinson, founder of the NGO Reclaim Finance, specifying that she was not asking for the immediate end of oil and gas, but that of financing new projects.

Can you at least recognize this scientific imperative which requires a halt to oil and gas expansion and commit to reviewing your climate roadmap by the next COP?, asked the activist, believing that inaction, also for [eux]was expensive, more expensive than the share.

We must encourage the transition, we must support companies, replied Thomas Buberl, CEO of Axa, specifying that the group had already made commitments on the unconventional but that society had a huge dependence on these fossil fuels.

A little earlier, journalist Elise Lucet, for France 2’s Cash Investigation program, also spoke on the subject, accusing the insurer of playing the arsonist firefighter, causing boos in the shareholders’ meeting.

Why don’t you stop all investment in fossil fuels?, she asked.

We consider that we must support this energy transition, but we must continue to use fossil fuels, otherwise the economy would stop, replied Denis Duverne, president of Axa, whose mandate is coming to an end and who will be replaced by Antoine Gosset-Grainville. .

In addition, the proposed increase in compensation for the CEO was approved by 77.7% of voters, while the consulting agency ISS had called on shareholders to oppose it several weeks ago.

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According to the agency, his total annual remuneration would rise from 5.8 million euros to around 6.9 million.

As a responsible insurer, if you were paid less, would you do your job less?, a shareholder mocked at the meeting.

Shouldn’t we say to ourselves, for a moment: + I’ve had enough +?, he continued.

The compensation committee had defended this increase, claiming to align with industry standards and recalling that Thomas Buberl’s compensation had not increased for six years.

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