Bad grades for the traffic light: the vast majority of FDP supporters are dissatisfied

Bad grades for the traffic light
Large majority of FDP supporters are dissatisfied

Two months after the federal government took office, the majority of Germans gave the traffic light a bad rating. Only a third are satisfied with the work of the coalition. Majority approval is only given by the supporters of the SPD and the Greens.

Just under a third of Germans are satisfied with the work of the federal government to date. In a survey by the opinion research institute Forsa for the RTL/ntv trend barometer, 30 percent say that they are satisfied or very satisfied. 64 percent are less or not at all satisfied.

Only the supporters of the SPD (74 percent) and the Greens (76 percent) are mostly satisfied with the work of the traffic light coalition. In contrast, only 31 percent of FDP supporters are satisfied. Almost two thirds (64 percent) of FDP supporters are less or not at all satisfied with the work of the federal government to date.

83 percent of the supporters of the Union parties are not satisfied with the work of the federal government, and almost all of the AfD supporters, 99 percent. 67 percent of Left Party supporters are not satisfied with the work of the coalition.

The majority dislikes Russia policy

The satisfaction of German citizens with the way the federal government has dealt with the Ukraine crisis is even lower: 23 percent are satisfied with it, but 67 percent are not satisfied. Only the SPD supporters (52 percent) are currently mostly satisfied with the actions of the federal government on this topic, although almost half (46 percent) of this group are less or not at all satisfied with it.

On the other hand, satisfaction with the Corona crisis management of Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has stabilized somewhat again: 52 percent are currently satisfied with his crisis management, 45 percent less or not at all satisfied. The majority of supporters of the SPD and Greens (79 percent each) and a narrow majority of Union supporters (58 percent) are still mostly satisfied with Lauterbach’s crisis management. Among the FDP supporters (57 percent) and the supporters of the AfD (89 percent), a majority is less or not at all satisfied with Lauterbach’s corona management.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany on February 3rd and 4th, 2022. Database: 1000 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: +/-3 percentage points.

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