Bad news for Hans Sama and his NA debut

Photo: LoL Esports

Upcomer took out a small bomb. Hans sama, recently arrived in North America, may well miss part of the start of the season. We do not know how the Americans are doing, but each year the LCS structures find themselves with similar problems, global pandemic or not global pandemic … The French would potentially be affected by administrative problems related to immigration services. The worst part about it is that he did everything right. He finds himself in the thankless role of collateral victim because of the Korean’s setbacks CoreJJ.

A story of karma?

Words are harsh and it might be a bit of a stretch to talk about karma, especially since at MGG we are still a huge fan of Hans Sama. But the situation in which Team Liquid finds itself is quite funny … And on our side, we prefer to laugh about it than to cry. While TL had succeeded in putting together an NA team on paper without any NA talent, by playing with the different rules related to imports, everything did not go as planned … We cannot play with more than 2 “imported” players and even if everything had been calculated with care, a grain of sand blocked the beautiful mechanics.

  • The danish Bjergsen and Santorini have residency status and do not pose any concern.
  • Hans sama and Bwipo, arrived during the last transfer window take the two import slots.
  • CoreJJ was supposed to receive his green card and become a resident … But he still has not received his card and the Korean still counts as an import. Which is problematic since the team would then exceed the limit of two.

Hans Sama is totally powerless in this matter but he will still pay the price. According to Upcomer’s information, Team Liquid will alternate the matches between the French and the Korean, making play alternately resident players of the academic team. Hans sama will therefore potentially miss half of the matches, and when he is on the pitch, he will not be able to play with his usual Support but with the young Australian Bill “Eyla“Nguyen. When CoreJJ will be titular, he will be with Sean “Yeon“Sung … Talk about a gallley !


Clearly, North America is really not varnished. With this pandemic story, many teams are seeing their plans disrupted because of the restrictions … The start of the League of Legends season will be truncated and the Lock-In competitive may be severely affected.

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