bad news for those waiting for the exceptional increase

Those who have retired since September 2023 and who have generally worked throughout their career at the minimum wage benefit from the increased contributory minimum. For those who have been receiving a small pension for a long time, out of 1.7 million promised boosts, only 600,000 are already effective. Others? The continuation of the exceptional increases was expected in the spring. It will finally be September 2024…

Remember: 600,000 will receive this increase in the fall (…) on their small pension. The others, since 1.7 million exceptional increases were announced a year ago when it was time to discuss pension reform? It will be phased until the beginning of 2024 because many policyholders have contributed to several different funds, so we have to rebuild careers, explained Olivier Dussopt last summer, when he was still Minister of Labor. An internal Cnav document already provided for this revised and corrected pension to be paid no later than September 2024. This maximum chance of September was then confirmed by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav), through the voice of its director and in official circulars. But a second salvo was expected in April 2024…

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Rat. If you are part of the 1.1 million withdrawals who retired many years ago and believe that you are one of those who are targeted by this increase, you will have to be patient… It will be in September: I don’t think we will will be able to do better, the timetable is already very tense, indicates Renaud Villard, general director of Cnav, in The echoes.

60 euros bonus on average for the next increases

The 600,000 people already retired at the time of the reform and who have already benefited from this boost have seen their pension increase by 50 euros gross on average, according to information provided by Renaud Villard to AFP. He thus confirmed that 1 million additional people must benefit from the exceptional increase by September 2024. The average amount of their revaluation should be slightly higher, 60 euros, since these are people who retired longer ago. , who receive lower pensions, indicated Renaud Villard.

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As a reminder, the DREES, a government statistical body specializing in health and social affairs, published at the end of February an initial assessment of the increase in the minimum contributory amount (MiCo). On average, those who have retired since the reform came into force have benefited from a boost of 49 euros compared to the pre-reform MiCo. And the old withdrawals (so the 600,000 who have already benefited from the boost to their small pension) have gained 26 euros on average according to data from Drees.

Retirement: What is the minimum contribution?

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