Baked Feta Pasta: This trend recipe makes you happy quickly and easily

Baked feta pasta
Ingenious trend recipe for quick pasta enjoyment

© Yulia Gust / Shutterstock

Baked Feta Pasta – this trendy recipe is going viral on TikTok! The reason? The food is not only prepared quickly and easily with just a few ingredients, it also tastes incredibly creamy! We'll show you how to do it.

The recipe for Baked feta pasta was posted by a Finnish user on TikTok and triggered a real hype on the internet. The secret of its success lies in the simplicity of the dish: you need feta for the oven only a few ingredients and within 30 minutes the creamy pasta is on the table. Perfect when you have to be quick at lunchtime!

Baked Feta Pasta: Ingredients for two servings

  • 250 g cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 200 g feta
  • olive oil
  • Salt, pepper (and other spices of your choice)
  • 250 g pasta
  • basil

Preparation of baked feta pasta

  1. First wash the cherry tomatoes and put them in a baking dish. Peel the garlic, finely dice and sprinkle over the tomatoes.
  2. Place the feta in the middle of the pan and drizzle both the cheese and the tomatoes with olive oil. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with oregano, thyme or other herbs if you like.
  3. Bake the tomatoes and the feta in the oven at 220 ° C top / bottom heat (200 ° C fan oven) for about 25 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, cook the pasta in plenty of salted water and drain. Cut the basil leaves into small pieces.
  5. Take the baking dish out of the oven when the feta is a little browned and the tomatoes have popped open.
  6. Mix the cheese and tomatoes with a fork, then stir in the pasta. Sprinkle the baked feta pasta with fresh basil and serve.

This is how you can modify the baked feta pasta

There are already countless variants of the recipe on social networks: You can, for example, buy some of the cherry tomatoes replace with mushrooms or add chopped olives to the baking dish. Those who like to eat spicy still mix a few chilli flakes under. The court succeeds too with vegan feta or with aromatic goat cheese and those who want to prepare it low in carbohydrates can do it Vegetable pasta – here you can let your creativity run free.

We have other quick recipes, for example for lightning rolls with only five ingredients or quick cakes. Have fun trying!