Baking without flour: This is how potatoes become the secret weapon of cakes

Bake without flour
With a secret ingredient, your cake is guaranteed to be light and fluffy

It doesn’t take much to make a good cake – and recently potatoes have also been added to the list of ingredients.


Experienced bakers can recall the basic recipe for a batter from memory. It becomes even fluffier with a special ingredient: potatoes.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to bake gluten-free or you ran out of flour in the supermarket: Many recipes can be easily prepared without flour with the help of a special ingredient if you use potatoes instead. It may sound a bit absurd at first, but it makes sense – and it tastes incredibly delicious.

Baking without flour: Potatoes conjure up a fluffy cake

If you don’t want to use flour when baking, you can replace it with starch. The rule of thumb here is: use one tablespoon of starch for every three tablespoons of flour. But be careful with batter: a maximum of half of the flour should be replaced in this way.

It works better with potatoes, especially floury varieties. The tubers contain a lot of natural starch, which makes the cake particularly fluffy and light when baking. There’s a simple recipe in the video.

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