Ballwil LU: Municipality wants corona skeptics as village doctor

He describes the pandemic as “not a serious epidemic” and is of the opinion that “the Covid vaccination cannot be recommended with a clear conscience”: Jochen Philipp Handel causes heated discussions in the Lucerne community of Ballwil. Because the corona skeptic should become a village doctor. After eight years, the municipality would finally have its own general practice again. But there are people in the village who refuse to visit him in advance, as the “Seetaler Bote” writes.

A look at his website gives an idea of ​​why. There Handel advertises his book “Rescue – the depopulation vaccine and its remedies”. In it, the German doctor speaks of “vaccination victims” who “can still be helped”. In addition, there are “shattering reports from people who, shortly after the vaccination, had to suffer the most severe side effects, some of which resulted in death”. In addition to the European Medicines Agency and a controversial US reporting system for vaccine side effects, he also cites Telegram as a source for this.

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