baptism of fire for the new governor of New York, Kathy Hochul

It was the race against the elements, to pass before the arrival of Hurricane Ida which reached Wednesday 1er September the east coast of the United States. In the afternoon, the landing at the Andrews base, near Washington, from Guantanamo was made. in extremis, and it took half an hour to wait due to a tornado warning. From Washington, the Amtrak trains were still on time, but on the way incessantly sounded weather alerts, in English and Spanish, urging them to take shelter. When the windswept train arrived in New York at around 7 p.m., it was raining like never before. Around 10 p.m., in Manhattan, the living room furniture had to be moved, while the water was not seeping into the ground. The next day, the sun was shining, but school was canceled, the television stranded.

Not all were so well off in New York, as it rained 18.26 centimeters of water in twelve hours in Central Park, twice as much as the previous record which dated back to 1927 (the equivalent of three months of rain in Paris). Water has flooded the streets transformed into torrents, invaded the basements of Queens and Brooklyn, where illegals sometimes live in cellars serving as makeshift apartments.

At least 20 people have died in New York and neighboring New Jersey, including eight people trapped in their water-surrounded basement accommodation in the Queens neighborhood. Among them, a 2-year-old boy and an 86-year-old woman. One person drowned in his car while five others were found lifeless in Elizabeth, New Jersey. A tornado destroyed a housing estate in this small state. Two hundred passengers stranded on a train on the Newark Airport side, opposite New York, had to be rescued overnight, as did a bus in the Staten Island neighborhood, whose passengers were standing on the seats. the water had risen so much.

Cars are abandoned on the flooded Major Deegan expressway in the Bronx after a night of heavy winds and rains from the remnants of Hurricane Ida on September 2 in New York City.

Interruption of public transport

The Film Forum, an art and essay cinema which broadcast The swimming pool, by Jacques Deray, with Alain Delon and Romy Schneider, was inundated, leading his audience to joke about this “3D experience”. Water spilled into New York City public transportation leading to their complete shutdown overnight. In the morning, service resumed painfully with delays on nine lines, a partial suspension on thirteen and complete on two lines, while Amtrak rail traffic between Philadelphia and Boston was interrupted.

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