Barack Obama: His birthday party will be smaller than expected

Barack Obama
His birthday party will be smaller than expected

Not a big birthday party: Barack Obama is responding to pandemic circumstances.

© imago / UPI Photo

Barack Obama’s upcoming birthday party has been scaled down as the Delta variant of Covid-19 spreads in parts of the United States.

Barack Obama will celebrate his 60th birthday on August 4th. As the Delta variant of Covid-19 continues to spread in parts of the United States, the birthday party is now smaller than planned. “The President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly reduce the event and only invite family and close friends,” said spokeswoman Hannah Hankins from “People” magazine quoted. Previously, there had been criticism of the long guest list.

Outdoor event on Martha’s Vineyard

Originally, the former US President (2009-2017) and his wife, Michelle Obama (57), wanted his birthday this coming weekend with friends, family and former employees on his 29-acre estate on Martha’s Vineyard in the US state of Massachusetts celebrate by the sea. “This open-air event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and taking Covid safety measures into account,” said Hankins.

Corona tests and vaccinations

The magazine had previously reported that the party guests had to undergo a corona test and the event would be supervised by a medical professional in order to comply with local pandemic protocols as well as the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

Barack and Michelle Obama have been campaigning for vaccinations for a long time and were vaccinated along with other former presidents and first ladies in March. “I encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as they have the opportunity,” the former first lady told the magazine at the time.

Thanks for birthday congratulations

Obama’s spokeswoman also took the opportunity to say thank you. “He is grateful for the birthday wishes from afar and is looking forward to seeing people again soon,” said Hankins in her statement.
