Are we going to see the untimely end of Battlefield 2042? As recent figures from SteamChart attest, there are more players on Battlefield V than on the last installment of the franchise. Another proof that this final episode is definitely struggling to convince fans of the saga.
Will Battlefield 2042 experience an untimely end of career? It must be said that the beginnings of the last title of the saga were particularly complicated. The state of the beta, riddled with bugs, was already heralding the disaster to come. And it was not lacking. As of its release on November 19, 2021, critics are raining down: balancing completely to be reviewed, graphical bugs in shambles, essential features yet absent (scoreboard, proximity voice chat, etc.).
Quickly, the game became Steam’s most hated title. To avoid disaster, EA announces a complete overhaul of the game with successive updates, and calls on players to be patient. A statement well received by fans. However, the controversy around paid Christmas skins has dealt the final blow. For the community, it is the last straw that broke the camel’s back.
Players are moving from Battlefield 2042 to Battlefield V
Sure, the DICE teams are doing their best to improve the state of Battlefield 2042, but for now, players don’t want to take the plaster. So much so that they prefer to go back to a previous opus of the franchise. This is indeed what we learn from renowned insider Tom Henderson, who has just published recent figures from SteamCharts.com, a specialized site that lists many statistics on the Valve platform.
Thus, as of December 24, 2021, Battlefield V peaked at 24,000 players logged in on Steam, while Battlefield 2042 only recorded 19,000 players. Note that the attendance on the last opus of the saga took a serious blow in the wing, since it went from 48,000 to 19,000 players in just one week. As of this writing, the number of players has dropped to 15,639.
Admittedly, the holidays do not help since we are often in family, and not in front of the PC, but it will be interesting to consult the frequentation on the two titles once the end of the year behind us. Either way, this is a strong message sent to EA from the community, which is determined to sulk Battlefield 2042 as long as the state of the game is not significantly improved.
Source: TheGamer
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