BC Classic: World First of Illidan Stormrage at the Black Temple by Turbulence (EU)

The Black Temple had only been open for two hours, yet the fearsome English speakers of Turbulence (Firemaw – EN PvP) had already defeated the so-called “Traitor”: Illidan Stormrage. It was without suffering the slightest wipe that the fine team found themselves overcoming the 9 bosses of the sixth raid of Burning Crusade Classic, claiming loud and clear their World First for this penultimate raid of the expansion.

  • Approximate time Illidan Stormrage died: 1:58

Turbulence defeated the Traitor just a minute before their fearsome competitors from Progress (Firemaw – EN PvP). However, despite their World First in the Black Temple they do not get a place in the Top 10 guilds on Tier 6 since they only defeated Winterchill Rage in Mount Hyjal before moving on to the Black Temple, offering Progress the first place in the world on this level.

On their side, Progress had completed Mount Hyjal when Turbulence had just engaged the Shadow of Akama. With 43 minutes behind the start of the progress at the Black Temple, they still manage to defeat the boss almost at the same time as the first worlds and thus secure the 1st place in the world for this sixth level!

Since 2h28 this Friday January 28, 2022 the Top 10 is now known. Turbulence does not appear there for lack of having continued its progress at the Hyjal Summit while Progress took first place, just that. The race was tight!

Calamity is the first guild in the world to defeat Hyjal Summit and its final boss, Archimonde, in Burning Crusade Classic. The expansion’s fifth raid only lasted 46 minutes…

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