Beautiful woman? 6 signs that you are attractive

Laughter + co.
6 signs you are a beautiful woman

Are you a beautiful woman? Smile – it seems particularly warm.

© Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

Do you sometimes wonder if you are really a beautiful woman? These six points prove: It’s you!

by Marie Stadler

Beauty awaits everywhere: in nature, in our homes and, above all, in the people who surround us. Mom’s beautiful smile, a friend’s warm hug – they are all magical and beautiful at the same time. But we often tend to forget that we ourselves are part of this beauty. Using six simple signs, you can be sure that you too are beautiful and that the people around you perceive you that way!

Signs you are a beautiful woman: 1. Gratitude

Whether your friend has an open ear for your worries, your partner a cup for you Bringing tea in bed, or giving you a warm hug in difficult or good times. You are grateful for the little joys and comforts in life! Through your pure gratitude you reach an inner fullness that also makes you shine visually. Feel-good tip: If you want to visually emphasize your inner glow, you can use hydrating care. Glow drops give tired skin radiance again.

2. You live your truth

You know exactly what you like and don’t let anyone else talk you out of it. Whether it’s a short bob or colorful strands: you live your truth and that’s what others particularly like about you! You are yourself without pretending or hiding. With your authenticity, you may even inspire others around you to try something new and live the version of themselves that they hide.

3. You love yourself

You may have strengths and weaknesses, but that doesn’t stop you from being yourself and yours inner beauty to live. Are you neglecting self-care? No problem. Take ten to fifteen minutes just for yourself: with long baths, long wellness sessions or face masks you can support your well-being and learn that it’s good to dedicate yourself to your body. With calmness and relaxation, you also appear much more liberated. Dare and let your beauty shine into the world!

4. Generosity

You don’t know stinginess! You like to give what you can! Your generosity sets you apart and it’s not about financial aspects. You enjoy sharing with others, be it your knowledge, your time or your resources. Have you heard which chocolate your work colleague likes so much? Whoosh, the next day it’s on her table. Your generosity helps make the world around you a more beautiful and loving place. And look: the people around you will give it back to you sooner or later. Maybe with your favorite cake for your birthday?

5. Empathy and compassion

If your loved ones are sad, that doesn’t leave you indifferent! Just as you share their suffering, you also know how to feel their joy. Empathy means understanding people — and you do! It allows us to connect with others and put ourselves in their shoes. The feeling that someone else feels heard and understood by you not only gives a lot to the person concerned, but you yourself may also feel completely energized.

6. You are happy

It seems that happy people are surrounded by a bright and radiant aura. You can clearly see their happiness: from the honest laugh that stretches unequally across both corners of their mouths, to the small wrinkles that form on the outside of their eyes. Anyone who is happy infects everyone around them! Have you ever seen someone smile and had to return it? A nice feeling, right?


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