Beauty tips: how to get rid of dark circles

Beauty tips
This is how you get rid of dark circles

Our lifestyles can be responsible for dark circles.

© Mladen Mitrinovic /

Dark circles under the eyes can have a number of causes. This is how you prevent annoying dark circles.

Too little sleep, stress, too much time in front of the screen – it is often our lifestyle that is responsible for dark circles. Especially in summer, heat, mosquitoes and the like cause sleepless nights and the heat dries us out. How do you get rid of those annoying dark circles under your eyes? The first thing to do is to determine the reason for the dark circles. Is it due to too little sleep or a genetic predisposition or a vitamin C deficiency?

Where do my dark circles come from?

There can be various causes behind the dark circles under the eyes. For example, a natural loss of volume in the skin, which occurs naturally with increasing age, can cause dark circles under the eyes. Genetics can also be behind dark circles: People with higher pigmentation in the skin, also known as hyperpigmentation, are more likely to struggle with puffy eyes.

Health problems can also be behind dark circles. They are one of the first visible signs of exhaustion or deficiency symptoms such as lack of sleep, water or important nutrients. These are the best tips for combating dark circles.

The right sleep routine

A high quality of sleep is particularly important when it comes to combating dark circles. A good sleep routine can help here: setting a fixed, earlier bedtime that you keep as regularly as possible, avoiding blue lights before going to bed and no caffeine in the evening hours.

Drink enough water

Dehydrated skin can be another reason for dark circles under the eyes. In addition to flushing out toxins, water increases blood flow to the skin and plumps up dehydrated skin. Therefore: drink plenty of water. An adult should drink at least two liters of water a day – more like three in summer temperatures.

Vitamin deficiency in the diet?

Diet can also be related to dark circles. For example, there may be a vitamin C or vitamin B12 deficiency behind the dark circles. While vitamin B12 can only be obtained from dietary supplements, vitamin C is also found in numerous cosmetic products for the eyes, such as serums and creams.

As an ingredient in cosmetic products, caffeine is also effective against dark circles and puffy eyes. Caffeine not only wakes you up, it can also tighten the skin. For example, you can let the bags of black tea cool down and place them on your puffy eyes. Chamomile tea also has decongestant properties. Cooling foods such as cucumber slices or raw potatoes also help against puffiness under the eyes.
