Beauty tips: These face masks are a good way to get through the heatwave

Beauty tips
These face masks are good for getting through the heat wave

Cucumber and yoghurt have a cooling effect on the skin.

© Alena Ozerova /

The sun can sometimes be merciless: With these face masks you can not only care for your skin, but also cool your head.

There are hot days ahead in the next few weeks. And they not only bring fun and sun, but also sunburn, sunstroke or sleepless hot nights. It is important to keep a cool head. These beauty products can help.

Cooling care products for hot days

When buying an ideal facial care product, be it a mask or moisturizer, for the summer, you should rely on a gel consistency and moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera or hyaluronic acid. They care for the skin after intensive sunbathing and cool it down. Even when sunbathing you don’t necessarily have to use thick creams: a moisturizing gel is better. The products have an even stronger effect if they are stored in the refrigerator during the day.

Soothing facial tonic sprays that you can spray onto your face in between or before going to bed are also helpful. Ingredients such as aloe vera, rose or cucumber are particularly refreshing.

DIY face masks for hot heads

But you don’t necessarily have to dig deep into your wallet for cooling care products, you just have to reach into the refrigerator. Foods like avocado, cucumber or yogurt work wonders when it comes to cooling the skin. The best DIY face masks for summer:

Cucumber mask: It is not without reason that when you hear the keyword “face mask” you immediately have two slices of cucumber on your eyes in your head – the vegetables consist of 99 percent water and are therefore the ideal care for puffy eyes or heated skin. For a cucumber mask for the whole face, peel and mash one cucumber, then mix in a tablespoon of brown sugar. Apply the whole thing to the face, neck and décolleté and leave on for about ten minutes, then wash off.

Strawberry yogurt mask: Yogurt is a miracle cure when it comes to cooling the skin. In combination with strawberries and a little lemon juice, redness can be combated and the pores shrunk. To do this, mash a handful of strawberries and mix with three tablespoons of natural yoghurt, one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply to entire face and allow to dry, then wash off with cold water.

Oatmeal Mask: Oatmeal is also extremely effective in the care of irritated skin, especially in combination with honey or yoghurt. They also have antibiotic properties and can even help with acne or breakouts. For an oatmeal mask, simmer 100 g of oatmeal in 150 ml of hot water until soft. Then mix in two tablespoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask to the face and décolleté or individual areas, leave on for about 20 minutes and wash off.
