Because of this, many people have a scar on their upper arm

It’s behind that scar that so many people have on their arms

The rounded scar is on the upper arm – and there’s a good reason for that

A rounded scar on the Oberam – why do so many people have this mark, which is almost exactly identical? In the video you can see what is hidden behind this special scar!

Many people have a rounded, almost identical scar on the upper arm – but why? Anyone who doesn’t know the background is quickly irritated here: After all, it’s quite unusual for so many people to have a scar that looks almost identical.

That’s why many people have a small scar on their upper arm

What can be behind it – did they all happen to have exactly the same accident that left this scar? The explanation is very simple – in the video you can see what is hidden behind this special scar!


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